Sunday, March 17, 2013

I want to be Nicki.

I think it's human nature to want to be someone else.

I want to be someone else. Sometimes, I want to be everybody else.
Only sometimes.

I want to be Nicki Minaj. Not because I like her music. No, not even her clothes. But I like her uniqueness. She's so... Nicki. I like her bright blue hair that makes me want to ditch this joint and dance.

I want to be John Mayer's girlfriend. Quite frankly, I don't think he even has one, but he seems like a heartbreaker. I hear about gut-wrenching heartbreak. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to experience it.

I want to be a Victoria Secret Model. It's despite the fact they have unreal bodies or long hair that someone would murder for. It's the fact they're desired. By anyone. By everyone.

I want to be house wife. They come in all shapes and sizes. All ages and races. But their cause is all the same. They dedicate their life to something. Something so beyond money, beyond anything on this earth. I ache to know what it's like to know that kind of comittment. The kind you'd give your life for.

I want to be Abraham Lincoln. Honest and true. Ignore the fact he's a man. I still want to be him. I want kids to write about me. Read books about me. You know when you're getting to know someone and they ask, "If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?" I want people to "choose" to bring me back to life, just to meet me.

I want to be all of them, and occassionally, none of them. Life's just complicated like that.


  1. He's such a heartbreaker.
    His voice alone breaks my heart.
    Cute post

  2. I liked the Abe Lincoln paragraph the best. I want to be that important/famous/interesting too.

  3. if you are a fan of john mayer then i am a fan of you!
