Monday, May 20, 2013

I don't need the cape or the mask. Neither do you.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not ashamed, I love me.
And not in the way you love a dead cat on the side of the road.
But a more deserving, prettier love than that.
There is one thing though.
I wish I could say my innocence hasn't become corrupt.
But it's become what is has for everyone else.
I watched my nephew come in the house with sad eyes the other day.
He told me, under his breath, as if he was ashamed, that the boys next door wouldn't play with him. He asked and he asked, and they ignored him. He asked one last time and they let out a "NO".
You know the worst part, the most heart-ripping, gut-wrenching part?
It's that he told me with a smile.
He opened his hurt eyes and he told me with a faultless smile.
At that moment, I wanted my painless innocence back.
Growing up sucks.
People you love decide to leave you and the ones you looked up to turned out to be liars and thieves.
People who were always there, no longer answer when you knock on the door in a desperate attempt for endearment.
You find out things about people, that you don't want to know, but they flood your ears anyway.
Your heroes diminish with age, because you find heroes don't exist. There's only one conclusion for those so called heroes.
They're a figment of a naïve child's imagination.
But I want to be a hero.
Everyone wants to be a hero.
Its the most twisted logic. 
we want to be something we don't believe in.
I'm not giving up. I won't let the lack of this human race define me. I won't let it define you, or the even ones who let me down.
Just one request.
Be someone's savior.
Open your arms, extend your heart but don't hold your breathe because this moment could pass when you least expect it. You don't know when you'll ever have this chance again.
Be the heroes you saw drown in these crashing waves called adulthood.
Have the faith I hold in the depths of my heart.
The depths that hope for something better than this.
You don't need the cape or the mask.
And neither do I.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Take Me Back, Marty.

I remember when I cried over a boy for the first time. I had my window open and the sprinklers were going. Summer's never felt the same. It lost it's innocence after that.

I remember when I had time to read books.

I remember when the worst thing that could happen to me was a mishap on a bike and a scrape on my knee.

I remember the first time I hurt my moms feelings as i grandly intended to. When I think hard I can even hear her crying behind her locked bedroom door. 

I remember my third kiss. hardly.

I remember the first time I swore. And how a rush came over me. I've never done it since.

I remember falling in love at the top of Alpine Cemetery hill. I remember how it was cold but I could hardly tell by the way my heart burned.

I remember when I farted in front of a boy for the first time. The shock on his face is something I will never forget.

I remember the 4th of July when the neighbors came and got mad at us for lighting illegal fireworks. Why can't people just live? Light a few fireworks.

I remember when my brother ran over my bike. My dad bought me a banana split. I didn't think twice about that purple Schwinn again.

I remember when I figured out the truth in Kung Fu Panda. Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift, that is why it's called the present.

I remember when I walked into Lone Peak. I felt like I belonged, like these next few years were going to be golden and unforgettable. It wasn't what I thought it was going to be, but I can't complain. I met some good people.

There's a lot of things I wish I could forget, but I don't ever want to stop remembering.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

How to........

How to love yourself:

1. Believe in yourself. Believe in everything you are. Believe in your surroundings and believe nothing around you is holding you back.
2. Don't compare your greatest weakness to someone's greatest attribute.
3. Love everyone around you. When you love many, you're loved back. You can't hate yourself when everyone around you admires you.
4. Have an open heart. Feel every bright thing that engulfs you. Soak it in and live it. Love it. Inhale and exhale it. Make it your life line.
5. The most important step in loving yourself is loving what you've created of yourself, not what others have created for you.

Don't hold back. Be your own kind of original. Love yourself. I love you.